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Take advantage of meaningful benefits and discounts provided to Audibel members.

Powerful partnerships

The Audibel Network is working hard to provide you with meaningful benefits that can be felt in your practice. We hope you can take advantage of the discounts provided to Audibel members.


As part of the Audibel Network and its group buying power, you can take advantage of special negotiated pricing at Amazon Business. Amazon Business has a wide selection of products and services specially curated for your practice's unique needs.

Benefits of an Amazon Business Account:

  • Access to millions of additional products available only to business customers, with business-specific pricing, including Quantity Discounts on eligible items.
  • Analytics tools to analyze spend on Amazon Business.
  • Multi-user access with approval workflows available to activate.
  • Access to a specialized Amazon Business Customer Service team.
Care Credit

Get Care Today. Pay overtime.
CareCredit is a health and wellness credit card with flexible financing options so you can pay overtime for care you want or need.

OtoSet Ear Cleaning System
OtoSet® by SafKan Health is the first automated and FDA-cleared ear cleaning device for clinical use. At the push of a button, irrigation and micro-suction technology combine to automatically break down and remove impacted earwax for a quick, safe, effective, and mess-free procedure. Impacted earwax can prevent a full exam of the patient’s ears. OtoSet® allows healthcare professionals to reduce referrals out and opportunities lost. Create further trust with patients and even better service with the FDA-cleared OtoSet® Ear Cleaning System. As an Audibel Member you have access to our aggressively negotiated rates.
Principal 401K services

Attracting and retaining top talent is always a struggle in this industry. One way to do that is with a retirement saving plan. Audibel has partnered with Principal to make a 401k plan accessible for you and your employees. This digital offering is designed to help you build retirement benefits programs that can attract and retain top talent and support continued growth.

Scrubs and Beyond
Let Scrubs and Beyond take care of you and your team. Audibel has negotiated new network pricing with Scrubs and Beyond on all scrubs and lab coats. Shop in store or online to receive 15% off apparel as well as 10% off accessories. Scrubs and Beyond also has over 120 retail stores for you to visit and try on the items. To take advantage of this discount, you will need to set-up an account with Scrubs and Beyond and provide them your office logo. If you use the Audibel logo, they do have that on file for you already.
Supplies and Accessories Display

Every appointment is an opportunity to generate revenue. Audibel’s hearing supplies and accessories displays help make your other offerings top of mind to the patient. Since implementing these displays in some Audibel Corporate Owned clinics, these clinics saw a 37% increase in hearing supply revenue and over a 200% increase in hearing accessory revenue.


Having a digital and accurate database is one of the most important things you can have as a modern day business. Sycle makes it easy to schedule appointments; track patient outcomes, purchasing, and receipts; keep a record of no-shows; and automatically send warranty and service notices to customers. Audibel has partnered with Sycle to offer Audibel Network members special pricing.

Warner Tech

Audibel has negotiated new network pricing with Warner Tech-Care Products, LLC on all clinical accessories and supplies. The result of this negotiation should provide you with an estimated 10-15% discount on your current spend on similar supplies.